The truth about "Time"
Time they say is endless, yet we humans find it hard to get enough of it. The scarcity of time makes it one of a human most precious and essential commodities that, when lost, it can never be recovered, therefore, it should be used wisely and carefully
Almost everything on earth has an expiry date and this is evident in life itself. When humans run of time on earth, they die and what they spent their time doing during their lifetime is what people remember them for.
Many youths of this days invest their time on things that should matter less. They think they have an abundance of time until their time is far spent on things that add no value to their existence
The youths tend to chase after youthful exuberance which includes partying, drinking, smoking, wearing fancy clothes and going out of their ways to impress people that don't give a damn about them
You shouldn't waste your time buying things you don't need just to impress people unless you are into show business. Learning a trade, skill, or earning a degree are ways to invest your time optimally as this will equip and shape you for the future. However, your professional life could begin with how your current time is productively utilised.
Also remember that being a people pleaser is also a way to waste your time and destroy oneself. Just because a parent wants a doctor in the family, they force their offspring into reading medicines and that child will have to abandon his dream of becoming a professional writer and wasting valuable years on something he doesn't want to become. Cases like this are typical and such kids end up being underachievers.
At times, out of boredom or idleness, we waste our valuable time hanging out with the wrong sets of people for temporary fun which might have a telling lasting negative impact on the future.
A time lost can never be regained. Use your time wisely. Useful ways to go about this is by investing your time towards your personal development and making real genuine friends who will have positive impact on your existence.
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